3. AmplifyのAuthとAnalyticsを追加
amplify add auth
Do you want to use the default authentication and security configuration? Default configuration
How do you want users to be able to sign in? Email
Do you want to configure advanced settings? No, I am done.
✅ Successfully added auth resource webpushv2d40f8f7d locally
amplify add analytics
? Select an Analytics provider Amazon Pinpoint
✔ Provide your pinpoint resource name: · webpushv2
? Apps need authorization to send analytics events. Do you want to allow guests and unauthenticated users to
send analytics events? (we recommend you allow this when getting started) Yes
✅ Successfully updated auth resource locally.
✅ Successfully added resource webpushv2 locally
Amplify Push
amplify push
│ Category │ Resource name │ Operation │ Provider plugin │
│ Auth │ webpushv2d40f8f7d │ Create │ awscloudformation │
│ Analytics │ webpushv2 │ Create │ awscloudformation │